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Broadcast & Pro-AV Solutions

Turnkey TV & Radio Studio Solutions

From ground up design/build projects to upgrading an existing storage or asset management system, top companies from a broad spectrum of industries trust Delft Intertech to deploy the resources and expertise needed to accomplish the task at hand.

Low Budget TV & Radio Solutions

The Turnkey TV/ Radio Master Control Room (MCR) is designed  to integrate all the tools necessary for TV/ Radio channels to have the best quality of modern technology. In this example of HD TV studio or Radio Studio solution we inserted two meet the customer demands with highest standard industrial products that include Main studio and News Studios.

Large OB-Van (Outside Broadcasting)

From ground up design/build projects to upgrading an existing storage or asset management system, top companies from a broad spectrum of industries trust Delft Intertech to deploy the resources and expertise needed to accomplish the task at hand.

Small OB-Van (Outside Broadcasting)

Delft Intertech provides the perfect solution for cost-effective and space-saving outside broadcast productions. The all-in-one system works with VideoServer, storage, instant mobile editing and rendering in real time, reducing time to air, plus powerful Multi-channel Commander with SloMo playback make it the best Ingest and OB-Van solution a broadcaster can ask for uninterrupted high quality outside broadcasting!

Portable Solutions

From acquisition to delivery, Delft Intertech  integrated solution work seamlessly together for complete corporate AV workflows, End-to-end video production, press conferences, live events, annual meetings, training, announcements, and more. 

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Broadcast & Pro-AV Partners

Delft Intertech's Broadcast and ProAV range offers some of the industry’s best-performing products. Our range of products includes cameras, live switchers and mixing desks, lighting, cable and connectors for use in the studio or compact models for outside broadcast and live image mixing in the field, professional monitors, remote camera operating systems, studio camera systems, a full range of accessories, complimentary software and recording media.

Broadband & Cellular
Energy & Power
ESA & SatCom
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